Monday 13 June 2011


Hello again, my readers and fellow weight lifters. As I have stated in the previous blog post, I am here to examine the true effects muscle building supplements can have, and to share my findings here. Looking through various sites regarding supplements, I have noticed that some of them are either full of nonsense, or intention of selling their products.

  Here is an example of a site that lacks credibility. This site is promoting products including books, and capsules that are supposed to make the purchasers fit the best way possible by using a ‘secret’ method that has not been exposed to the public yet. This site lacks credibility for a number of reasons.

 First of all, an average bodied person named Jim Park supposedly turned into a Mr. America using this method. However, there is no explanation or a visual (pictures, videos, etc.) on how he managed to do so. Furthermore, a credible site usually includes a precise interview displaying the person’s view on changing his body and gaining more muscles, and evidently this site fails to do so.

  Secondly, this site tells the readers that the ‘secret’ Rheo H. Blair created was kept anonymous due to his death in the 80s, and its products will educate the purchasers about this secret. This statement itself exemplifies lack of credibility because if the so called ‘secret’ actually worked, then it must have spread around the world by now.

  The site also states that the core of the product they are providing, Nitrobol is a ‘Protein Synthesis Formula’ consisted of a number of items such as L-Leucine, L-Cystein, L-Lysince, and more. However, what the site does not do is defining these so there is absolutely no way a normal person who does not have the knowledge of these terms will understand what they are talking about. This lack of clarity is another example why this site is not trustworthy.

  Furthermore, the site educates the readers to take 10 capsules, provided by the merchandise, after working out and 10 more before going to bed. Also, it tells the readers to start like this then experiment with it for better results. As a regular human being who has not tested out these products yet, 20 capsules a day seems unreasonable. I also do not like the term ‘experiment’ the site used here. It shows the readers that they are not even totally believing in their products themselves.

  Lastly, the site provides 3 different Nitrobols, normal, silver and gold, and says that the gold is the best one. This tells the readers that normal and silver are not worth buying then. If the first two products are not worth buying, then why would the last one be?

  An example of a trustworthy site is this one

  This site specifically defines what Meal Replacing Powder is, so the general public would understand. Furthermore, unlike the previous site, this one is very thorough in telling the readers how much of the product to take, exactly when for the best results, and even how to mix the product with natural ingredients such as meals and water. 

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