Monday 11 July 2011



Hello my fellow gym rats!

  Once again, I am here to pour out my recent researched information regarding shaping up your body for the summer. Yes summer is about to end with only a couple of months left, so if you have not been fully satisfied with your weight lifting results yet, then this blog post is a MUST-READ. This time, I have decided to incorporate the subject of diet into this physical activity-related blog set. This is only logical as I have been focusing on how, and if, consuming body building supplements can assist your weight lifting results. As I have stated in the previous post, whey protein is very effective, if used with the right motivation and knowledge. For example, you should not depend on whey protein too greatly. What I mean by this is that whey protein should just be a supplement within you diet, so focusing on the diet itself is more important.

  Balancing your diet with adequate amounts of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and so on, should be the main strategy instead of just believing that whey protein will magically provide your body with ingredients for muscles. If you think about it, generally, a scoop from a batch of whey protein will give you about 20-30 grams of protein. Amazingly, 3.5oz of chicken breasts will give you the same amount with very few amount, if not at all, of additional carbohydrates, fats or sugars. Also, it is noted that simple carbs and potassium are also essential in giving you the proper nutrients in order to fully rest your worked out muscles. These can be found in multiple sources of food, but most notably dried fruits such as bananas or raisins. However, one of the reasons why maintaining a proper diet is easier said than done is because it is hard to keep track exactly how much of these nutrients you are consuming with each meal. For example, if you eat too much fruits just because you want to intake lots of carbs will result in excessive fats without intention. So the proper amount of carbs intake should be around 100 grams after working out which will give the body the proper sources to fully heal but not add on to the already existing fats.

  Consuming the proper vitamins is also valuable. There are a number of types of vitamins but the notable ones should be vitamin B2, B12, and Pantothenic Acid. The reason for this is because they will enhance our metabolism in order to produce energy. Since having proper energy is essential in working out, these vitamins must be taken for the best results.

  These are only few of the factors why diet is important when it comes to body building. It is stated that resting and diet is responsible for about 60- 80% or the results while working out is only accountable for 20- 40%. Therefore, a prospect who is looking to have that beach body should make diet their priority followed by weight lifting, not the other way around.

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